Sunday, March 20, 2011


Today is our first wedding anniversary! It's so wonderful to have been married for a whole year, and we both feel very blessed. So much has happened this year, so it feels like the time has flown by.

We are now 17 weeks pregnant... can't wait to feel our little one move inside me! I thought I might have felt it the other night, but then it happened again and I realised that it was my tummy growling in hunger! :P They tell me that you usually feel it move sometime between 16 and 20 weeks. Two more weeks until the next ultrasound... yay! Yesterday I bought a lovely pair of maternity pants for work and two white blouses - I'm growing out of my uniform, so these will hopefully do me until I finish work, which is actually only 15 more weeks! :) Then I will officially be a stay-at-home-mummy! :)

And the other exciting thing that happened this week is that we paid out the personal loan we've been paying off this year. When we got married, Alastair had a $25,000 debt, and so we've spent the year working hard and not much else - and it was all worth it on Friday when we made that final payment. Sooooo exciting to be debt-free! Now we can start saving..... :)

That's all for now... we're going out to buy each other new slippers for our anniversary. :)


  1. CONGRATS on paying off the debt -- that's an amazing achievement!

  2. LOL -- I got so excited about you guys paying off the debt that I forgot to congratulate you on your anniversary!!!

  3. Exciting news!!! Looking forward to seeing you both very soon. :)

  4. Lots of great things have happened in this first year of your marriage! Praise the Lord!

  5. New slipperrsss :)
