Sunday, April 29, 2012

12 Random Things About Me

I never do these memes that go around, but for some reason I am inspired to do this one... :)

1. I like cooking a little more now that I'm married. Still not real inspired about main meals, but getting better at my baking and desserts. I have made two pavlovas in the last two months - and both worked out!

2. Budgeting is my "thing", and I check my spreadsheet probably once a day. Is that slightly obsessive? I love it when the car registration renewal arrives in the mail... and I find that we have just the right amount in the car rego column.

3. I think I have the cutest baby in the world, (pics next time, I promise!) and I love being her mummy, (mostly).

4. Going on from no. 3: being a mother has taught me so many things already - in just 8 months! I shudder to think what I'll have learned in 8 years if I keep going at this rate.

5. And leading on from no. 4: I haven't actually learned all the lessons and passed all the tests that God as provided for me on the mummy-front... I continually slip up and fail. What I'm working on at the moment? Learning to be more flexible and easy-going. There must be a balance, somewhere. :)

6. I am finding this little exercise quite hard - I don't think there ARE 12 random things about me! Perhaps I am just a boring person.

7. A clean house makes me supremely happy. I don't even mind the cleaning part, but I find it difficult when I can't get more than 2 minutes of a job done at a time. I tend to be pretty disgusted in myself when the only thing I have to show at the end of the day, is that I've actually managed to have a shower.

8. I like chocolate more than I should, and give in to temptation in this regard too regularly. I saw a mug today in Officeworks, which said "I can resist anything, except temptation"... that about sums up my relationship with chocolate.

9. There are only so many times I can laugh about being vomited on in one day. (Hence I have given myself a two week break from trying solids with Anthea again.)

10. My family are some of my favourite people to hang out with, especially my sister. :) I'm so thankful that we live close enough to be able to visit each other quite easily.

11. My husband wears an enormous, red tartan, adult-sized wondersuit (all-in-one suit) to bed in winter. I guess that's not really a random fact about me, is it. Well I have to sleep in the same bed as it, so I'm counting it as one.

12. I find it hard to start from scratch in the the friend-department, as we are doing at the moment in our new church. We have decided to try to make more of an effort to get to know people there, and have  invited one couple over for dessert on Friday night, and another for lunch on Sunday. I'm half scared, half excited. It's quite cool though, getting to know these people as "Alastair and Carla", not with them already knowing one of us and having to get to know the other. :)

There, I did it! :)


  1. Well done! After reading about all of your randomness - I love you even more. xxx

  2. I really enjoyed reading this! I really think it's awesome that you're so great at the budgeting thing... I started off with a spreadsheet but have since given it up and are trying to just 'be good'. It would be nice to see exact figures where the money is going though!

  3. You could never fail at hospitality! I love meeting/making new friends as husband wife opposed to "his friends, my friend".
