Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Point form to recap...

So my last post was on the 29th of February, and now here it is the 22nd of March... oh well, you know what they say about time flying... :)

To recap on the whole month is proving a bit of a daunting task, as is evidenced by my procrastinating about blogging, lest I don't have enough time to do a good job on it! So I think I'll just put down a few points about what's been going on.
  • The beginning of March saw me find some wardrobes on eBay, and Alastair and Dad going over to North Sydney to pick them up! Since we've lived here, we have only had a small rack to hang things on, and it just always seems dusty and untidy to me, so this has been a wonderful blessing - being able to iron clothes and hang them in a wardrobe is a luxury! :)
  • We celebrated Alastair's Dad's birthday on the 5th of March.... it was a Monday, so we went around after work with a cake and pressies to surprise him.... much to his disgust, unfortunately. It went down like a ton of bricks, and made me feel wretched and awful. :(
  • During that next week I suffered from a bad neck/shoulder/back problem... probably brought on by my very healthy daughter. :) We turned her car seat around so she now faces forwards, to hopefully reduce the strain on me as it was very hard to lift her over the straps while she was rear-facing. I went to the osteopath and that helped a bit.
  • The next weekend we spent a lovely couple of days with our dear friends the Axelbys, and Anthea got to meet lots of new friends. :) We thoroughly enjoyed our time with these beautiful people, drinking lots of tea, talking, watching movies, talking, drinking tea... you get the picture. :)
  • On the Sunday of that weekend, we were able to arrange to catch-up with the lovely Hornsey family, for a picnic in Canberra! It was great to be able to spend time with them, and for Alastair to get to know them better. Their Daniel and our Anthea are two months apart (he's older), and it was sweet to see our babies together. :)
  • So after a weekend like that, the next week was a bit of a write-off. :P Anthea had begun being quite unsettled before we went away, and didn't get back to normal during that next week.... which made me quite anxious and wondering what on earth I was doing wrong. I even rang Tresillian to ask for advice. She wasn't interested in the solids I was trying to feed her, and she was waking several times through the night. It wasn't until last Sunday at church, that I was greatly encouraged by talking to a lady who is an Early Childhood Nurse (or whatever they call them now), who told me just to go with my gut and do what I thought was best. Since then, I've gone back to my fairly strict routine, and when I feel that she's tired, I put her to bed. It's worked wonders, and our happy baby is back! :)
  • During last week, we also made wills - having not done that before. Alastair has been doing some IT work for a lawyer who is setting up his own firm down here, and so when Alastair asked about how much wills cost and how do we go about sorting one out, he said he's been really impressed with Alastair's work, and that he'd like to do them for us for nothing!
  • Last Saturday afternoon I was able to catch up with two old friends from my FGYO days, neither of whom had met Anthea yet, so that was special and we had a lovely time.

And then we get to this week.... that's another post, I think.

And a cup of tea... :)


  1. Having a cup of tea here too. :)

  2. Why was Alistair's Dad not so happy about the birthday celebrations? I say you did a great daughter-in-law thing - well done! x

    1. He reckons he doesn't like being made a fuss of... "it's just another day". I get that - but he hates any kind of attention or sentimentality, so I'm struggling with how to involve him and show him love when he practically just wants to be a hermit. :(

    2. Ahh that's hard, does Alistair have any ideas on how to deal with the situation? Poor love, dont let it get to you. Keep your chin up - sounds like you are ticking all the 'daughter-in-law' boxes!! And that is a win let me tell you!!! xx

  3. Two big posts to read and I don't have time :( I will look forward to coming back here when it's not crazy!! love Lauren xx
