Friday, July 13, 2012

A poor sick baby and a wonderful sister

Within hours of posting last time, my little poppet came down with a vomiting bug. :( It might sound silly, but being the first time, I found it quite scary. I'm so over being vomited on and scrubbing vomit out of carpet. One of the evenings I went through three sets of pyjamas. Last night it was through my hair and everything. This morning we were just having a snuggle when all of a sudden I had a bubbling vomit fountain in my arms. It's just awful watching a helpless little one heaving her guts up. :(

I took her to the doctor on Wednesday afternoon, but he said she was doing okay and that it was probably a viral infection which had to run its course, and I came home feeling like a hypochondriac mother. But I have had so many worries and concerns over the last few days.... What if she dehydrates? When should I start to worry? Will I know when she's dehydrated? She's still alert and happy and her mouth isn't dry... but why has it been so long since she's had a wet nappy? Does her skin feel warmer or cooler than normal? Why does she just start to cry when I sit her on the floor? How should I tackle this latest vomit episode we're both covered in? What if I take her to the hospital now because I think she needs medical attention and they ask me how long it's been going on and I say three days... are they going to ask why I wasn't there two days ago and think I'm a neglectful mother and call DOCS and take my daughter away from me? :(

This morning at 8am was the last time she vomited, so I'm hoping she's turned a corner and is actually on the mend. My beautiful sister Meaghan has been an absolute gem. Yesterday it was dreary and rainy, and she came down to be with me... and knowing that there had been a lot of free-flowing vomit in our house, she went past Dusk on her way, and got an odour-eating candle, vacuum beads, and a beautiful rose and tangerine room spray - just as a gift. She went past my favourite bakery too, and bought me a delicious Neenish Tart to cheer me up. She cuddled Annie while I cleaned upstairs and got it smelling nice... then helped me with washing and dishes and everything. And she came back today to help me again. :)

But it was a glorious day, so instead of sitting inside and doing sensible things, we bundled the baby (plus multiple changes of clothes for us all in case we had to deal with a vomit episode!) into the car, and went down to Kiama for the afternoon. It was so lovely to get out... and I wouldn't have been brave enough to go out by myself with Anthea unwell. But I think it did her good to get a bit of fresh sea air... and it probably did me some good too.

I am so blessed to have a sister like Meaghan, and to have her just 45 minutes up the road.

Love you, Meaghan. xo


  1. Oh how lovely - Meaghan that is not the vomit!! :)

    Hope Anthea continues to mend, and you and Alastair stay well......

  2. You poor thing - having to deal with poor Anthea, and poor her with being so sick! :( But what a blessing having Meaghan come & help - she's very special! :) love & a hug to you both! x

  3. Your sister sure is a sweety! Sounds like she was just what you needed and she came at the perfect time.
    I know how you feel re hypochondriac mother....doctors often make you feel like that. Isaac recently had a 7 day bout of diarrhea, so I took him to the dr on the 5th day at the urgent advice of a Health Direct nurse (they're great if you're in doubt of what to do - 1800 022 222 I think). Anyway, she was so unhelpful and contradictory, and I could have learned more off Google than from the $70 appointment, but when your baby has a sunken fontanelle and 10 horrendous nappies a day, you do tend to worry just a tad! Anyway, all is good now, and obviously same in your case, but if your doctor makes you feel like a moron, find a new practice with a doctor that is more caring and child friendly!

    1. I've rung Health Direct a few times before, they're good. Our family doctor is great and I love her to bits, but she wasn't working this week and the practice had no free appointments. So I took Anthea up to the little local hospital, and that's where I got the rather unhelpful doctor. When I was still worried the next day I rang my aunty who is a nurse and that was what I should've done at the start. :)

  4. Sorry to take so long to get here...I just smiled when I read about Meaghan's visit! Yay for wonderful family! How are you all now?

  5. where are you!? plz to post again soon?
