Tuesday, September 11, 2012

In a fog

Not sure exactly what I want to write here... it's been a strange few weeks...

I guess I'll just give you the short version.

  • Thursday 23rd to Sunday 26th we went out to Gilgandra and spent the weekend helping Alastair's brother and sister-in-law get their house cleaned up and ready to put on the market. It was a massive weekend, I came home exhausted and aching in all sorts of places I never knew I had.
  • Monday 27th I did a pregnancy test and got a positive result - I was 5 weeks pregnant, and we were so excited! Baby due 30th April 2013.
  • Tuesday 28th - rang the hospital to book in to the Wollongong Hospital Midwives Group Program. If you don't get in early you miss out.
  • Wednesday 29th went to the Dr and had all the routine blood tests you get done when you find out you're pregnant... but then that afternoon started bleeding.
  • Thursday 30th - Anthea's 1st birthday. Went to ladies bible study in the morning and asked them to pray for me and the new baby because I was worried I was having a miscarriage.
  • Friday 31st - had to drop Alastair in town early, then dropped Annie off at my mother's group before going to pick Alastair's dad up from a Dr's appointment (he had been in hospital with a gall bladder attack the week before)... turns out he'd had some bad news: there was a tumour on the gall bladder which has attached itself to his liver (which is 3.4cm - having grown from 3mm a couple of months ago), as well as a cyst in one of his kidneys, so he's waiting for a specialist appointment now. Then I got back to mother's group 10 mins before it ended and fell to pieces, thankfully in a place where the people know me well. Alastair came home at lunchtime to look after me and Annie, as we were pretty sure it was a miscarriage.
  • Saturday 1st/Sunday 2nd - a quiet weekend thankfully, with Father's Day as well. My parents and sister came down for lunch, so that was really nice.
Most of September has been a bit of a blur, (my birthday included), miscarriage confirmed, Anthea's 12 month immunisations... all sorts of stuff. Such a strange time, with such a lot of mixed feelings and emotions. It feels like a fog.... a surreal sort of feeling. I wanted to talk about it, but didn't want to hear any more of the trite "your baby was not meant for this world" or "perhaps it was deformed/handicapped" comments which people seem to think are comforting. I do have a few lovely friends who actually just listened when I needed to talk though, so that is a blessing. And now life goes on...


  1. Oh no! You poor dear - so sad for you all. :(
    Sending lots of hugs and kisses.
    Praying for you.

  2. Oh dear Carla, I (we) are so sad and sorry for you and Alastair. Such a sad time. Sorry to also hear of the comments (often not thought through) - which are so hard to hear. :( Feeling for you and we will pray for you, that the Lord will comfort you in the loss of your dear one and bless you with peace. Hope you can get some rest and time together. With much love, Daphne ( and all) xox
    Ps Sorry to hear of Alistair's Dad's tumour. We will also pray for him.

  3. Praying that the next few weeks are so much better and more restful and peaceful :)

  4. Oh Carla, I'm so sorry to hear this :( That is so sad. And I'm sorry about the awful comments people have made. I know not much people say can help, but I hope you can find comfort knowing you'll see your precious one again- and it will have had the happiest life ever.

    I can imagine it would be hard to just continue on. You feel like your world has changed, but others don't see it. Praying for you xo

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, Carla. I know everyone has already said this, but I'll be praying for you today.
