Monday, August 20, 2012

So soon?

Have decided to do a little catch-up post. It doesn't feel like long since I last was here, but it's actually been 10 days since the photo post, and 14 since I did that newsy one.

There's not been that much going on really, we've just been "doing life"... getting through teething and colds and all that kind of thing. Speaking of colds... and poor little runny crusty noses... :(

I mentioned the group project baby quilt I was co-ordinating at church, and how it was getting all big and complicated - well the top is finally all stitched up and finished, and one of the ladies is doing the quilting now. Am so pleased to have that over with! It didn't turn out too badly, though I liked it better before the outside border went on.

Alastair is well, and busy at work... then he comes home and does whatever needs to be done around here without complaining, so I am very blessed. He went up to the Collingwood game (which the Swans lost, so he wasn't a very happy boy when he got home), but now we're on top of the ladder, so he's happy again. :)

On Friday last, I left Annie for the longest time since the day she was born when they whisked me away to theatre. It was stocktake day at the pharmacy I used to work at, and they offered me a few hours of work. Mum came and looked after Anthea for me from 9am-1.30pm, and by all accounts they had a lovely time together and my daughter behaved herself beautifully. :)

We stayed with mum and dad on Saturday night for the first time in ages. It was nice, and would have been even nicer if Annie had made an effort to sleep for more than 1-1.5 hours at a time during the whole time. But she's teething, and we had colds, so what can you expect really I suppose. Friends were having their 10 week old gorgeous Isabel baptised the next day, so it was a good excuse to go back to my old church and catch up with people. In the afternoon, I got to have a little sleep (!) and Mum took Anthea for a walk in the pram she bought when I was born... it's doing well for nearly 30 years old, don't you think? :)


We are going out to Gilgandra again this weekend with Alastair's dad and his brother Ashley, to help Joel (another of Alastair's brothers) and his wife Katherine get their house ready to put on the market - kind of a little family working bee... should be fun. I'm planning to take a big chocolate cake... :)

Sometimes, towards the end of the day, when the bubba is getting tired and cross and everything is getting too much just before Daddy gets home from work, we take a little trip up to Jim's end of the house and chat to him for a while. It's so lovely having this grandfather-figure just at the end of the hall, who is never too busy to stop what he's doing to talk to us, or to bounce Annie on his knee, or to let her have a "play" on his piano...

Only other thing to add, is that Aunty Meaghan took a very cute photo of Annie on the weekend, where she looks like she's breakdancing - I hope she posts it so you can see. :)


  1. Love, love, love! Annie is so adorable!
    Your mum has done well to keep that beautiful pram in such good condition. :)

  2. I love your updates! :) So looking forward to giving that girl a squeeze in a few weeks!

  3. I was scrolling down being all like, Carla will have posted that photo and then I won't get to... :P thanks for leaving it for me!!

  4. Your daughter is just adorable! When are you going to bring her up and show her off?? :)

    Sounds like life is good! (Excpet for colds). Lovely to read an update!!
