Friday, May 18, 2012

You cheeky thing!

As you may or may not be aware, for the last several (probably three) months I have been trying to start Anthea on solids, and she just has not been interested. I have tried all different types of food, and prepared it many different ways. I've tried to make it a game. I've been stressed about it. I have been given oodles of advice from oodles of people. I've been in tears over it. And so on and so forth. So, in the end, we made the decision to just forget about it for now - she's obviously thriving. She's reaching milestones, cutting teeth, still sleeping through the night... she must be fine. Every so often I give her the option of trying something off my plate, (I'm over preparing "baby" food for her if she's not going to eat it!) but it's usually met with tightly closed lips and a turned head. If she deigns to open her mouth and taste it, then the response is always the same: she spits it all out with an expression that says "that was FOUL - what on EARTH did you just put in my mouth?" so yeah, I'm over it.

However... yesterday, I had her on my hip, and decided to eat a chocolate muffin for morning tea. She looked interested (as usual) and lent towards it with her mouth open. Hmm... that bit was new. So I thought, "who cares, what's the harm in trying, she'll spit it out anyway", and let her look at it more closely. And then - shock - she took a bite! And it didn't get spat back out... she looked a bit shocked at first, but then seemed to enjoy the taste and swallowed it! AND THEN SHE WENT TO TAKE ANOTHER BITE! Right, so there's nothing physically wrong, she IS capable of swallowing food and not just milk. That's good to know. :)

I decided to then try a piece of pear, just eating it myself and making out that it was the yummiest thing ever. Again, she lent in for a taste, and I thought, Yay! We've had a breakthrough! But no, she spat it straight back out, and then gagged on what was left. :(

Aha... I'm onto you, little one.Your new little tooth is quite sweet, I see! :P


  1. LOL, well she is Alastair's daughter. Would you have expected anything different?! ;)

  2. Haha... amazing how clued on they are at such a young age :-)

  3. That's seriously CUTE!!!

  4. Haha! Sweet tooth! Like mother like daughter!

  5. Just like her dad!

    - Carly

  6. Maybe you should just go for baby led weaning?!! Have you read any of that stuff? Skip the mush and start with real you're doing here. She's a cheeky little cute face :-)

  7. I would spit pear back out too! :-)
