Monday, February 20, 2012

The things we do...

Here I am, less than a week since I last blogged - go me! :)

The rest of last week was fairly straightforward... at home on Wednesday... shopping on Thursday... mothers' group and the completion of another workbook on Friday (only 3 to go now!).

Then along came Saturday. It was just a monster-big day. Lovely, but enormous.

It started Friday night really, Anthea woke every hour through the night. So that wasn't a great start to the weekend. Meaghan came and stayed the night on Friday so that she could come down to Murrumbateman/Yass with us on Saturday. We left at 8.30am, stopped at Sutton Forest at 9.30, and got to Aunty Heather's (Murrumbateman) at about 11.30. Had a lovely lunch and afternoon with them, even though Annie didn't sleep much. At about 5pm we went to a birthday party (combined 50th/25th for mother/daughter friends) in Yass. It was great to see so many of our friends in the one place; many of them hadn't yet met Anthea! But it was hideously hot, and she wouldn't feed and wouldn't settle, so unfortunately I found it rather stressful and overwhelming. We left at about 10pm and headed home, arriving just after midnight. Annie was good on the way home - slept most of the way. But once we were home she just wouldn't settle until after 2am.... and I had a bit of a meltdown. :(

If the beautiful family who threw said party read this, I want them to know that it was a lovely celebration, and it was absolutely nothing they did or didn't do that made it work out like this for me... thank you for inviting us! It was just me and where I'm at just now... hopefully I will learn to handle these situations better in the future and be better company! Or maybe big get-togethers just aren't our thing at the moment...

Yesterday, (Sunday) we just had a quite day, which was really good. Anthea was still a bit tired and grumpy, but last night she slept from 8.30pm til 4am when I put her dummy in, then slept til 7.15 when I fed her and put her straight back down and she woke just after 10am! Today she has slept a lot too, and she is much happier. :)

Some really nice things though: at the party we were able to sit with friends whom we hadn't seen for nearly a year... and both of us have welcomed new babies since that time! Also, I met two lovely women who have been following my blog for a while without me knowing. And, for one miniscule split second, I felt a tiny weeny bit famous - isn't it only famous people (like Danielle Carey) who have Amazing Unknowns read their stuff? :) Anyhow, it was so lovely to meet them, and to learn that they like reading about even the little things that I blab about here. :)

And now.... photos! These are the most recent, but certainly not the most flattering:

Ready for the party, but looking like a dag. (Thanks Aunty Meaghan! Did you take a nice one?)

Sporting the new running shoes... courtesy of Aunty Meaghan!

Annie just wants to stand up all the time - her legs are so strong!

Reading "Good Puppy" in the highchair

And this is today, helping me with my workbooks. :) She'd just woken up from a lovely, long, afternoon sleep, and Mum was down helping me so she took a photo. :)

And lastly to Amanda: yes, everything in my brain seems to be poo-related at the moment. Ahhh the joys... :P Yes, as I type we're waiting on the three-day poo again.... :)


  1. 1) you're adorable.
    2) I am so not even remotely famous.
    3) ANNIE IS STANDING UP?!?!?!? Your baby is a genius, and gorgeous to boot!

    1. You are a teeny weeny bit famous :)

  2. Oh my goodness!! She is SO clever! She'll be running before you know it! Abby is only just starting to pull herself up! What a cutie. And I love those joggers from Meaghan.

    Oh dear. It's those big events that you want to go so well that don't seem to ey. I remember we had a wedding when Abby was a couple of months old, and I forgot to take my feeding cloth, and I was not good at feeding then! All I had was a blanket, which Abby was sweletering under, and kept pulling off me and there were guys sitting right near me :(

    You look really lovely in that last photo- and definitely not pregnant!! Some people...

    1. Oh, Anthea isn't pulling herself up yet, but is very happy to stand up and hold onto things when put in that situation. :)

  3. It was lovely to have you all come along to our celebration Carla, but a pity the evening didn't go so well for you! Thank you for coming, and driving the long distance! I hope this week will go better for you all, and that Anthea will continue to sleep well for you! Lots love, Abbie x

  4. Dear Carla - How lovely it was to meet you and dear little Anthea - she is just so gorgeous! Thank you, too, for the privilege of having a cuddle of her - she is just so cute! You are doing a wonderful job with her - it's not always easy going out when you have little ones - and it just seems like a season of constant tiredness - but you're doing well to manage all that you do and study too! :)
    I felt for you having that comment re 'expecting again' - I've had that happen to me twice now - once shortly after giving birth, and the second time just because I'm overweight! A bit embarrassing for both me and them - a prime example of a social faux pas! Again, it was so lovely to meet you, and we very much appreciate you allowing these glimpses into your life through your lovely blog - you're doing a wonderful job! May the Lord bless you and be your Strength, Much love, Brenda

    1. You were most welcome to the cuddles! :) And thank you for your encouragement too. :)
