Thursday, February 23, 2012

Very very blessed are we...

You know, I think we may indeed be one of the most blessed families in the world.

We have a beautiful landlord named Jim. He is about to turn 82, and is one of the most amazing, kind, gentle, thoughtful, considerate, generous, clever, wonderful Christian men that we have ever met.

For starters: he is renting his granny flat to us at a minimal rate, (which enabled us to pay off the $25,000 debt Alastair brought into our marriage just days before our first anniversary). Minimal, as in, we'd be hard-pressed to find a motel for a night, for what he charges us for a week. He does all the lawns and gardening, saying "you've got enough to think about with your little girl" whenever we offer any sort of practical help. And those two things are only the beginning of his kindness to us. It would take me a year to write everything he does to make our lives easier... we are just constantly blown away by his servant-heart...

Anyhow, yesterday, would you believe it... he installed an air conditioning unit upstairs for us! Whenever it gets above about 25 degrees outside, it becomes stiflingly hot up there, and the only room that is up there, is our bedroom (where Annie sleeps too). A few weeks ago, Alastair went and talked to Jim, to ask if we might be able to put a little portable air conditioner up there or something, because Anthea was finding it hard to sleep... and lo-and-behold, this is what he came up with!

I keep thanking him, but he doesn't want to hear about it. :) I guess I just want to say that even though sometimes I complain about living in a tiny two-room granny flat, that we are so infinitely blessed... God's love is constantly being shown to us by this grandfather-figure at the other end of the hallway. May God bless you Jim, a thousand-fold!


  1. That is very blessed indeed. It would have been incredible for us to be able to have cheap rent for the first year or two, and give us a head start on a deposit (like both our parents had the chance to) but unfortunatley we didn't have the opportunity. I would trade with you anyday for that :).
    That airconditioning is a blessing from the Lord, no doubt!

  2. Don't you just love those people who are so generous with their money as well as their time? I'm so glad you have such a lovely landlord, and yes, no matter what there's always something to thank God for. Sometimes I struggle with being ungrateful or frustrated because things don't go my way, and then I remember how much God has blessed me. I can just see myself as an ungrateful child, who has everything they could want and yet cries because they might be denied the tiniest thing.

    Anyway, enough babbling. I hope your air conditioner makes things a little easier for you, and helps Anthea sleep. Hope to be able to see you and chat properly sometime soonish. :)

  3. Your post reminded me of the lovely lady that owns the florist where I do work experience. She has been so lovely and generous to me and it makes me feel so very blessed! So glad to hear you have someone like that too!

    I was disappointed we didn't get to catch up more at the party! I totally understand why though - we will have to make a time to catch up!

  4. Wow! Such a blessing! :)

  5. WOW you are very blessed. What a sweet man. If only more landlords were so considerate of their tenants.

  6. Wow lucky ducks!!! We are hard pressed to keep our electricity bill to a manageable fee with the portable unit we had to buy!!!! Not to mention the rent goes up every year…you guys are lucky in deed!!! :)

  7. Oh! So amazing. What a generous man!
